TITLE Blue Hole
August 2010, Moscow
SIZE A1 format
ARTISTS STATEMENT Natalja Jezova is an artist originally from the South of Russia. She lives in London and studies Fine Art at the University of East London. Prior to being an art student she was a very successful journalist in her home country and also in the UK. She continues to write for the press whilst studying at University. Natalja works primarily in oils, photography and documentary-filming.
Whilst travelling with a friend on the outskirts of Moscow, she stopped to take photographs of a beautiful deserted church at about one o’clock in the morning. There were no other people around and the early hours were hazed with a blue mist at a time of the summer when the days are longest and the twilight seems to last forever.
When she downloaded the photographs onto her computer, she discovered that there were no images of the church, only ten ephemeral images of what appeared to be a woman and a child walking through a blue mist with the silhouette of the forest in the background. She has had the camera for a long time and prior to taking the photographs, the digital card in the camera was completely blank. These confusing images were so strange and beautiful and they invoked enormously strong mystical feelings within her. Natalja kept the pictures because it was obvious to her that they possessed both a purpose and a life of their own. She feels that it is now time to share them with others.
EMAIL nachamala@hotmail.com
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